although this is already documented on TMLR’s homepage ( and is quite visible from the Openreview’s reviewer/action editor console, i’m writing this short post as one of the Editors-in-Chief of TMLR to encourage reviewers and action editors to set and keep their availability up-to-date on Openreview.
when you go to, you see “TMLR” as one of the active venues, as shown in the screenshot below. if not, you can go directly to the TMLR page by going to

when you log in to Openreview at TMLR, you will see a link to your own console. if you’re a reviewer of TMLR, you’ll see a link to “Reviewer Console“. if you’re an action editor of TMLR, you’ll see a link to “Action Editor Console“. if you don’t see this link on the page, please click the link here directly to see if you can access it.
in the respective console, right before you see the list of your assignments, there’s “Assignment Availability” box you can use to set your availability. here are two screenshots below:

by default, your availability is set to “Available”. this feature was implemented to provide reviewers and action editors to proactively set their availabilities, e.g., during their vacations.
if you plan to go on summer vacation, please visit Openreview and set your availability to “Unavailable”. but perhaps much more importantly, do not forget to set your availability to “Available” when you’re back. TMLR in its infancy needs all your help and support!