Supporting female researchers and researchers from under-represented groups, together with CIFAR

if i had to pick organizations that have impacted my current career path most, CIFAR would be very near (if not at) the top of this list. there are a few reasons behind this. first, CIFAR started a program named “Neural Computation & Adaptive Perception” (NCAP) in 2004, supporting research in artificial neural networks, which has become a dominant paradigm in machine learning as well as more broadly artificial intelligence and all adjacent areas, including natural language processing and computer vision. i started my graduate study in 2009 with focus on restricted Boltzmann machines and graduated in 2014 with a

Restricted Boltzmann machines or contrastive learning?

my inbox started to over-flow with emails that urgently require my attention, and my TODO list (which doesn’t exist outside my own brain) started to randomly remove entries to avoid overflowing. of course, this is perfect time for me to think of some random stuff. This time, this random stuff is contrastive learning. my thought on this stuff was sparked by Lerrel Pinto’s message on #random in our group’s Slack responding to the question “What is wrong with contrastive learning?” thrown by Andrew Gordon Wilson. Lerrel said, My understanding is that getting negatives for contrastive learning is difficult. Lerrel Pinto

Ho-Am Prize & Lim Mi-Sook Scholarship (임미숙 장학금) at KAIST

NOTE: this post is the third part of the three-post series. see here to learn about the Ho-Am Prize in Engineering I just was just awarded with. Ho-Am Prize & Scholarship for Macademia at Aalto University Ho-Am Prize & 백규고전학술상 (Baek-Gyu Scholarly Award for Classics) Ho-Am Prize & Lim Mi-Sook Scholarhip (임미숙 장학금) at KAIST Lim Mi-Sook Scholarship 임미숙 장학금 i graduated from Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) with the Bachelor in Science (B.Sc.) degree. i majored in computer science which is the subject i’ve never left so far, having become a professor of computer science (and

Ho-Am Prize & 백규고전학술상 (Baek-Gyu Award)

NOTE: this post is the second part of the three-post series. see here to learn about the Ho-Am Prize in Engineering I just was just awarded with. Ho-Am Prize & Scholarship for Macademia at Aalto University Ho-Am Prize & 백규고전학술상 (Baek-Gyu Scholarly Award for Classics) Ho-Am Prize & Lim Mi-Sook Scholarship (임미숙 장학금) at KAIST My Father and Korean Classical Literature and Art i’ve rarely mentioned my father in this blog without any particular reason, but perhaps it’s a good time to talk about him briefly in this post. his name is Kyu-Ick Cho (조규익),and he’s a professor of Korean

Ho-Am Prize & Scholarship for Macadamia at Aalto University

Update June 2 2021: click here for my acceptance speech (in Korean only) Note: This is the first in a series of up to three posts related to the Ho-Am Prize I was awarded this year. Ho-Am Prize & Scholarship for Macademia at Aalto University Ho-Am Prize & 백규고전학술상 (Baek-Gyu Scholarly Award for Classics) Ho-Am Prize & Lim Mi-Sook Scholarship (임미숙 장학금) at KAIST Ho-Am Prize What an honour it has been to be a recipient of the Samsung Ho-Am Prize in Engineering this year (2021)! The Ho-Am Prize is one of the biggest and perhaps most recognized awards in

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