Ho-Am Prize & Lim Mi-Sook Scholarship (임미숙 장학금) at KAIST

NOTE: this post is the third part of the three-post series. see here to learn about the Ho-Am Prize in Engineering I just was just awarded with. Ho-Am Prize & Scholarship for Macademia at Aalto University Ho-Am Prize & 백규고전학술상 (Baek-Gyu Scholarly Award for Classics) Ho-Am Prize & Lim Mi-Sook Scholarhip (임미숙 장학금) at KAIST Lim Mi-Sook Scholarship 임미숙 장학금 i graduated from Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) with the Bachelor in Science (B.Sc.) degree. i majored in computer science which is the subject i’ve never left so far, having become a professor of computer science (and

Ho-Am Prize & 백규고전학술상 (Baek-Gyu Award)

NOTE: this post is the second part of the three-post series. see here to learn about the Ho-Am Prize in Engineering I just was just awarded with. Ho-Am Prize & Scholarship for Macademia at Aalto University Ho-Am Prize & 백규고전학술상 (Baek-Gyu Scholarly Award for Classics) Ho-Am Prize & Lim Mi-Sook Scholarship (임미숙 장학금) at KAIST My Father and Korean Classical Literature and Art i’ve rarely mentioned my father in this blog without any particular reason, but perhaps it’s a good time to talk about him briefly in this post. his name is Kyu-Ick Cho (조규익),and he’s a professor of Korean

Ho-Am Prize & Scholarship for Macadamia at Aalto University

Update June 2 2021: click here for my acceptance speech (in Korean only) Note: This is the first in a series of up to three posts related to the Ho-Am Prize I was awarded this year. Ho-Am Prize & Scholarship for Macademia at Aalto University Ho-Am Prize & 백규고전학술상 (Baek-Gyu Scholarly Award for Classics) Ho-Am Prize & Lim Mi-Sook Scholarship (임미숙 장학금) at KAIST Ho-Am Prize What an honour it has been to be a recipient of the Samsung Ho-Am Prize in Engineering this year (2021)! The Ho-Am Prize is one of the biggest and perhaps most recognized awards in

Donation to the Hanmaum education volunteer corp

[Update: April 12 2021] see this announcement for a Korean (shortened) version of the story. this is a slightly expanded version of my fb post: https://www.facebook.com/cho.k.hyun/posts/10216267975445626. i’ve lived in three countries-finland, canada and US- over the past 12 years as an expat/immigrant myself, which makes me pretty well aware of issues and challenges faced by immigrants, in particular east asian ones, in these countries. this made me incorrectly believe that i know the challenges and issues faced by immigrants everywhere beyond these three countries, including korea where i was born and raised as a korean national and had lived for

2020년 가을 NYU

this is a facebook post (https://www.facebook.com/cho.k.hyun/posts/10215959079883430) i wrote in korean as a response/addendum to another facebook post (https://www.facebook.com/jihoon.jeong/posts/10222328298068240) by Prof. Jihoon Jeong on the necessity of rapid, on-going tests in korea. i’m copy-pasting it here for the purpose of leaving a record. NYU에서는 이번 가을에 blended insturction을 했다. 각 수업은 규모 (학생 수 및 주당 강의 수), 특성 (대면 필수) 등을 고려하여 remote, in-person 또는 blended로 학기 시작 전 구분을 지었고, 나는 blended mode의 강의를 진행했다. blended mode 수업의 강의는 in-person 그리고 lab sessions은 평소의 2-3배로 갯수를 늘려서 in-person과 remote를 모두 가졌다. 모든 강의와 lab은 zoom을 통해 livestream했고 이를 통해

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