Brief Summary of the Panel Discussion at DL Workshop @ICML 2015

Overview The finale of the Deep Learning Workshop at ICML 2015 was the panel discussion on the future of deep learning. After a couple of weeks of extensive discussion and exchange of emails among the workshop organizers, we invited six panelists; Yoshua Bengio (University of Montreal), Neil Lawrence (University of Sheffield), Juergen Schmidhuber (IDSIA), Demis Hassabis (Google DeepMind), Yann LeCun (Facebook, NYU) and Kevin Murphy (Google). As recent deep learning revolution has come from both academia and industry, we tried our best to balance the panelists so that audience can hear from the experts in both industry and academia. Before I say anything more, I would like to thank the panelists for having accepted

Joining NYU this Autumn

This autumn (2015), I am joining NYU as an assistant professor, jointly appointed at the Department of Computer Science (Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences) and the Center for Data Science. Assuming all immigration-related issues happen without any trouble, I will start on 1 September.  You can find my job talk slides here.

Quick Introduction to Natural Language Processing with Neural Networks

I recently give one lecture on how to use neural nets for natural language processing at the course <INF8225 – Intelligence artificielle : techniques probabilistes et d’apprentissage> at the École Polytechnique de Montréal. It was a very fun experience having extremely lively discussion with active students.  The slides can be found at

Deep Learning Workshop at ICML 2015

I will co-organize the Deep Learning Workshop at ICML 2015 in Lille, France together with Geoff Hinton, Yann LeCun, Yoshua Bengio, Max Welling and Durk Kingma. This is my first time organizing a workshop (or as a matter of fact, any large academic meeting), and I have made a few blunders so far, but I believe this workshop will be pretty awesome with an awesome lineup of invited speakers:   First day (July 10) Tara Sainath, Google Yann Ollivier, Paris-Sud University Oriol Vinyals, Google Jason Weston, Facebook Jorge Nocedal, Northwestern University   Second day (July 11) Neil Lawrence , Sheffield